EDP Drive Thru Whoville Event - All Students and Families are Welcome to Participate! When: Friday, Dec. 18th, from 4-5pm. We would love to see you before we officially start our winter break!
Day Camp offered by the City of Lemon Grove Winter Day Camp is offered for Lemon Grove students (Kinder-8th Grade) while the schools are on Winter Break. Check out the flyer!
District Offices Closed for Winter Break The District Office will be closed December 23-25th and December 31st-January 1st.
Lemon Grove School District 2020-21 Confidential Income Survey Help support your student's school by participating in the 2020-21 Confidential Income Survey!
December 17th - PAPER Training for Parents Join us on December 17th to learn more about the PAPER Tutoring Service for your student! En Español a las 8:30 am and English at 9:15 am.
Supporting your Child in Distance Learning (English and Spanish) Please join our Parent and Family Engagement Specialist for a workshop session to share tips about how you can support your child's success in Distance Learning!
Important Information re: First Day of School! Please read this important update from LGSD about our Roadmap to Reopening document and other key information so you can be prepared for Distance Learning on the first day of school - August 26th.
Celebrating Halloween/Dia de los Muertos Safely Please check out all these tips on how to celebrate Halloween/Dia de los Muertos safely in this time of COVID19.